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Crowtail- Thermistor Temperaturen Sensor


The Crowtail- Thermistor Temperature Sensor uses a Thermistor to detect the ambient temperature. The resistance of a thermistor will increase when the ambient temperature decreases. It's this characteristic that we use to calculate the ambient temperature.The detection range of this sensor is between -40 to 125 degrees Celsius with an accuracy of ±1.5℃. However it doesn’t output the temperature value directly. To get the specific temperature value, we will use the formula in the code below.The Crowtail- Thermistor Temperaturen Sensor uses a Thermistor to detect the ambient temperature. The resistance of a thermistor will increase when the ambient temperature decreases. It's this characteristic that we use to calculate the ambient temperature.The detection range of this sensor is between -40 to 125 degrees Celsius with an accuracy of ±1.5℃. However it doesn’t output the temperature value directly. To get the specific temperature value, we will use the formula in the code below.

Model: Crowtail- Thermistor Temperature Sensor

Crowtail-Thermistor Temperaturen Sensor.JPG


  • Voltage: 3.3 ~ 5V
  • Max power rating at 25℃: 300mW
  • Zero power resistance: 10 KΩ
  • Operating temperature range: -40 ~ +125 ℃
  • Dimensions(mm):22.0(L)x20.0(W)x9.7(H)


Here is an example to show you how to read temperature information from the sensor.

1.Connect the module to the Analog port 0 of Crowtail - Basic Shield using the 3-pin grove cable.

2. Plug the Crowtail - Basic Shield into Arduino.

3. Connect Arduino to PC by using a USB cable.


4.Upload the following sample sketch:

#include <math.h>
int a;
float temperature;
int B=3975;                  //B value of the thermistor
float resistance;

void setup()

void loop()
   resistance=(float)(1023-a)*10000/a; //get the resistance of the sensor;
   temperature=1/(log(resistance/10000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15;//convert to temperature via datasheet ;
   Serial.print("Current temperature is ");

5.Open the serial monitor. You should see current temperature.

