CrowPanel ESP32 E-Paper 5.79-inch Arduino Tutorial¶
This tutorial will demonstrate how to use ESP32 E-Paper Display as a price tags and update price images through WiFi and Bluetooth. And how to obtain weather information and display it on ESP32 E-paper display. In addition, there are simple examples to illustrate how to use the various interfaces on the board.
Get Started with Arduino IDE¶
Please click the card below to learn how to install Arduino IDE, and install ESP32 board in the Arduino IDE.
Demo 1 Update Pictures Wireless¶
This demo will introduce how to wireless update a single price tag through WiFi and Bluetooth.
Update via WiFi¶
Convert the image format¶
First, let's take a look at the price tag we design in this example, which is divided into three parts(all are images). The top bar is a fixed and unchanging background. On the left is the description, and on the right is the price. The parts we need to update are the description and price.
For the fixed top bar, we can convert it to C array and put them in the code.
For the variable description and price, we need to convert them to bin file and upload them to the board through WiFi.
the image modulo tool Image2Lcd and open it.
Click open and select top-bar.bmp, convert it to array format.
- Open file
- Output date type: C language array by default
- The biggest width and height: Consistent with the width and height of the image. Note that it must be a multiple of 8, otherwise it cannot be displayed properly
- Save and output
You can put this array in a suitable header file, and I have placed it in Ap_29demo. h here.
Convert the description pictures and price tag pictures to bin files. These bin files will be used to update prices over WiFi.
- Open the file
- The output type select .bin file
- The width and height should consistent with the width and height of the image. Note that it must be a multiple of 8, otherwise it cannot be displayed properly
- Save the file
Code Explanation¶
Please click to download the code file for this demo.
Add necessary libraries
#include <Arduino.h> // Includes Arduino core library files
#include "EPD.h" // Includes library files for electronic paper screens
#include "Ap_29demo.h" // Includes custom function libraries
#include "FS.h" // File system library for file operations
#include "SPIFFS.h" // SPIFFS file system library for file reading and writing
#include <WiFi.h> // WiFi library for creating and managing WiFi connections
#include <Ticker.h> // Ticker library for timing operations
#include <WebServer.h> // WebServer library for creating HTTP servers
Define the file variable fsUploadFile Used for accessing files, txt_size and pre_size correspond to the size of the BIN file(Exported in the above steps) for the text label and price label to be transmitted. The image resolution requirement is smaller than the screen resolution and both width and height are multiples of 8.
//Object for storing uploaded files
File fsUploadFile; //Used to manipulate files in the SPIFFS file system
#define txt_size 6768 // Define the size of the description picture file
#define pre_size 5888 // Define the size of the price tag picture file
Note: The size here can be defined based on the size of the images to be transmitted later, otherwise it will cause image transfer failure
Receive the bin file sent and determine if it matches the pre-set file size. If it matches, store it in the file system and update the display icon
// Handling requests to upload files
void okPage()
server.send(200, "text/html", HTML_OK); // Successfully sent page
HTTPUpload &upload = server.upload(); // Retrieve the uploaded file object
// Note: The initialization size of upload.buf is only 1436 bytes and needs to be adjusted to support uploading large files
// Modify the HTTP-UPLOAD_SUFLEN definition in the WebServer. h file to increase the initial size to 14360 bytes
if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) // File upload completed
Serial.println("draw file");
Serial.println(upload.filename); // Print and upload file name
Serial.println(upload.totalSize); // Total size of printed files
// Determine the size of the uploaded file and determine the file type
if (upload.totalSize == 6768) // If the file size is 6768 bytes, it is a txt file
filename = "txt.bin";
filename = "pre.bin"; // Otherwise, it is a preview file
// Save the received file
if (!filename.startsWith("/")) filename = "/" + filename;
fsUploadFile =, FILE_WRITE); // Open file for write mode
fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.totalSize); // Write file data
fsUploadFile.close(); // close file
// Store data into the corresponding array based on file size
if (upload.totalSize == txt_size)
for (int i = 0; i < 6768; i++) {
txt_formerly[i] = upload.buf[i];
Serial.println("txt_formerly OK");
flag_txt = 1; // Set a flag to indicate that the txt file has been uploaded
for (int i = 0; i < pre_size; i++) {
price_formerly[i] = upload.buf[i];
Serial.println("price_formerly OK");
flag_pre = 1; // Set a flag to indicate that the preview file has been uploaded
EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize GPIO pin configuration for EPD e-ink screen
EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Initialize EPD screen in Quick Mode 1
EPD_ShowPicture(0, 0, 792, 40, background_top, WHITE); // Display a background image on the screen with a white background color
// Display corresponding images based on the type of uploaded file
if (upload.totalSize != 6768)
EPD_ShowPicture(500, 80, 256, 184, price_formerly, WHITE); // Display preview image
EPD_ShowPicture(30, 80, 376, 144, txt_formerly, WHITE); // Display text image
EPD_Display(ImageBW); // Display images stored in the ImageBW array
EPD_FastUpdate(); // Perform quick updates to refresh the screen
EPD_DeepSleep(); // Set the screen to deep sleep mode to save power
Image Refresh Process
// Initialize EPD (Electronic Paper Display) screen EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize the GPIO pins of EPD Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); // Create a new canvas with dimensions of EPD_W x EPD_H and a white background color Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the canvas, with a white background color EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Quick Mode 1 for Initialize EPD EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear EPD display content EPD_Update(); // update display UI_price(); // Display price information
Initialize to fast mode display screen
Select the data to refresh
Update the image to the screen
Upload the Code¶
Open the 5.79_WIFI_refresh.ino
Click "Tools"->"Board"->"esp32"->"ESP32S3 Dev Module", and the "Partition Scheme" select "Huge APP (3MB No OTA/1MB SPIFFS)", "PSRAM" select "OPI PSRAM".
Connect CorwPanel to the computer, click on "Tool" and select the corresponding "port".
Click "Upload" to upload the code to the board. There will be an image show on the screen.
Update the price tag with WiFi¶
Connect a laptop to the hotspot of the ESP32 E-PAPER display.
Enter the IP address in the browser.
Select the bin file of the picture you need to show, then click submit.
Note: The size of the images you transfer must be consistent with the size defined in the code, otherwise it will cause image transfer failure
After successful transmission, the price and text will be replaced, and the data will be saved in flash.
Update via Bluetooth¶
Convert the image format¶
The same as the method in the "Update via WiFi".
Code Explanation¶
Please click to download the code file for this demo.
Add necessary libraries
#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <BLEServer.h>
#include <BLEUtils.h>
#include <BLE2902.h>
#include "Ap_29demo.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "EPD.h"
#include "FS.h" // File System Library
#include "SPIFFS.h" // SPIFFS File system library, used for file reading and writing
Define the file variable fsUploadFile Used for accessing files, txt_size and pre_size correspond to the size of the BIN file(Exported in the above steps) for the text label and price label to be transmitted. The image resolution requirement is smaller than the screen resolution and both width and height are multiples of 8
//Object for storing uploaded files
File fsUploadFile; //Used to manipulate files in the SPIFFS file system
#define txt_size 6768 // Define the size of the description picture file
#define pre_size 5888 // Define the size of the price tag picture file
Note: The size here can be defined based on the size of the images to be transmitted later, otherwise it will cause image transfer failure
ble_pic function
Process the bin file sent and determine if it matches the pre-set file size. If it does, store it in the file system and update the display icon.
void ble_pic()
// Check if data has been received
if (dataReceived) {
// Ensure that the data buffer is not empty
if (!dataBuffer.empty()) {
size_t bufferSize = dataBuffer.size();
if (dataBuffer.size() == txt_size)//txt size
filename = "txt.bin";
filename = "pre.bin";
if (!filename.startsWith("/")) filename = "/" + filename;
fsUploadFile =, FILE_WRITE);
fsUploadFile.write(, dataBuffer.size());
Serial.println("保存成功"); //Successfully saved
Serial.printf("保存:"); //Save:
if (bufferSize == txt_size )
for (int i = 0; i < txt_size; i++) {
txt_formerly[i] = dataBuffer[i];
// memcpy(txt_formerly, upload.buf, sizeof(upload.totalSize));
Serial.println("txt_formerly OK");
} else
for (int i = 0; i < pre_size; i++) {
price_formerly[i] = dataBuffer[i];
// memcpy(price_formerly, upload.buf, sizeof(upload.totalSize));
Serial.println(" price_formerlyOK");
EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize the GPIO pin configuration of the EPD e-ink screen again
EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Re initialize the EPD screen in Quick Mode 1
EPD_ShowPicture(0, 0, 792, 40, background_top, WHITE); // Display the gImage_stcenario_home image on the screen with a white background color
if (bufferSize != txt_size)
EPD_ShowPicture(500, 80, 256, 184, price_formerly, WHITE); // Display the gImage_stcenario_home image on the screen with a white background color
// EPD_ShowPicture(400, 60, 256, 184, price_formerly, WHITE); // Display the gImage_stcenario_home image on the screen with a white background color
} else
// EPD_ShowPicture(400, 60, 256, 184, price_formerly, WHITE); // Display the gImage_stcenario_home image on the screen with a white background color
EPD_ShowPicture(30, 80, 376, 144, txt_formerly, WHITE); // Display the gImage_stcenario_home image on the screen with a white background color
EPD_Display(ImageBW); // Display images stored in the ImageBW array
EPD_FastUpdate(); // Perform quick updates to refresh the screen
EPD_DeepSleep(); // Set the screen to deep sleep mode to save power
// Clear the buffer after writing
totalReceivedBytes = 0;
// Clear data buffer
dataBuffer.clear(); // Clear the buffer after writing
totalReceivedBytes = 0;
// Reset the data reception flag after processing the data
dataReceived = false;
// Clear the display screen content
void clear_all()
// Initialize the quick mode of the e-ink screen
// Clear the e-ink screen
// Update display screen
class MyCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks
Receive the data sent and integrate it together. Receiving the "OK" character indicates that the transmission is complete.
// BLE Feature callback class
class MyCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks {
void onWrite(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) {
std::string value = pCharacteristic->getValue();
if (value.length() > 0) {
// Assuming that the client sends a specific end marker at the end of data transmission
if (value == "OK") {
dataReceived = true;
return ;
size_t len = value.length();
if (len > 0) {
// Append the received data to the buffer
dataBuffer.insert(dataBuffer.end(), value.begin(), value.end());
totalReceivedBytes += len; // Update the total number of bytes received
Check if the file system has saved UI images, and if so, display them.
// User interface function: Display price information
void UI_price()
EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize the GPIO pin configuration of the EPD e-ink screen again
EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Re initialize the EPD screen in Quick Mode 1
EPD_ShowPicture(0, 0, 792, 40, background_top, WHITE); // Display the gImage_stcenario_home image on the screen with a white background color
if (SPIFFS.exists("/txt.bin")) {
// File exists, read file content
File file ="/txt.bin", FILE_READ);
if (!file) {
Serial.println("无法打开文件进行读取"); // Unable to open file for reading
// Read data from a file to an array
size_t bytesRead =, txt_size);
Serial.println("File content:");
while (file.available()) {
EPD_ShowPicture(30, 80, 376, 144, txt_formerly, WHITE);
if (SPIFFS.exists("/pre.bin")) {
// File exists, read file content
File file ="/pre.bin", FILE_READ);
if (!file) {
Serial.println("无法打开文件进行读取"); // Unable to open file for reading
// Read data from a file to an array
size_t bytesRead =, pre_size);
Serial.println("File content:");
while (file.available()) {
EPD_ShowPicture(500, 80, 256, 184, price_formerly, WHITE);
EPD_Display(ImageBW); // Display images stored in the ImageBW array
EPD_FastUpdate(); // Perform quick updates to refresh the screen
EPD_DeepSleep(); // Set the screen to deep sleep mode to save power
Image Refresh Process
// Initialize EPD (Electronic Paper Display) screen EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize the GPIO pins of EPD Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); // Create a new canvas with dimensions of EPD_W x EPD_H and a white background color Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the canvas, with a white background color EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Quick Mode 1 for Initialize EPD EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear EPD display content EPD_Update(); // update display UI_price(); // Display price information
Initialize to fast mode display screen
Select the data to refresh
Update the image to the screen
Upload the Code¶
Double click the 5.79_ble_refresh.ino.
Click "Tools"->"Board"->"esp32"->"ESP32S3 Dev Module", and the "Partition Scheme" select "Huge APP (3MB No OTA/1MB SPIFFS)", "PSRAM" select "OPI PSRAM".
Connect CorwPanel to the computer, click on "Tool" and select the corresponding "port".
Click "Upload" to upload the code to the board. There will be an image show on the screen.
Update the images via bluetooth¶
Download a BLE debugging assistant to your phone, and connect it your phone to the screen device BLE.
Upload the bin file(Save the bin file to your phone in advance).
Note: The size of the images you transfer must be consistent with the size defined in the code, otherwise it will cause image transfer failure
After successful transmission, the price and text will be replaced, and the data will be saved in flash.
Demo 2 Weather Station¶
Obtain weather information through OpenWeather and display the information on the CrowPanel.
Convert the image format¶
First, let's take a look at the weather information panel we design in this example, which is divided into 6 parts(all are images).
- weather
- city
- humidity
- wind
- temperature
- visibility
We need to convert the images of these 6 parts into C arrays and put them in the code, and combine them to form the UI interface above. The weather icon in the upper left corner is variable, while the other icons are fixed.
the image modulo tool Image2Lcd and open it.
Click open and select the images, convert them to array format.
- Open file
- Output date type: C language array by default
- The biggest width and height: Consistent with the width and height of the image. Note that it must be a multiple of 8, otherwise it cannot be displayed properly
- Save and output
You can put this array in a suitable header file, and I have placed it in pic. h here.
Register an OpenWeather account¶
Enter and click "Sing in" to register an OpenWeather account.
Log in your account.
Click your user name -> "My API Keys" to find your API key.
Code Explanation¶
Please click to download the code file for this demo.
Add libraries¶
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <Arduino_JSON.h>
#include "EPD.h"
#include "pic.h"
Modify your information¶
const char* ssid = " "; // Enter your ssid
const char* password = " "; // Enter your WiFi password
// OpenWeatherMap API key
String openWeatherMapApiKey = "You-API"; //Enter your API key
// For example: String openWeatherMapApiKey = "bd939aa3d23ff33d3c8f5dd1dd435";
// Replace with city and country code you're in
String city = "London"; // City Name
String countryCode = "2643743"; // Country Code
Country Code
You can find the country code at:
Function Explanation¶
This function is mainly used to parse the received JSON data, process these data separately, and save them in variables.
void js_analysis()
// Check if successfully connected to WiFi network
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
// Build URL for OpenWeatherMap API request
String serverPath = "" + city + "," + countryCode + "&APPID=" + openWeatherMapApiKey + "&units=metric";
// Loop until a valid HTTP response code of 200 is obtained
while (httpResponseCode != 200) {
//Send HTTP GET request and retrieve response content
jsonBuffer = httpGETRequest(serverPath.c_str());
Serial.println(jsonBuffer); // Print the obtained JSON data
myObject = JSON.parse(jsonBuffer); // Parse JSON data
// Check if JSON parsing is successful
if (JSON.typeof(myObject) == "undefined") {
Serial.println("Parsing input failed!"); // Prompt message when parsing fails
return; // If parsing fails, exit the function
delay(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds and retry
// Extract weather information from parsed JSON data
weather = JSON.stringify(myObject["weather"][0]["main"]); // Weather Information
temperature = JSON.stringify(myObject["main"]["temp"]); // temperature
humidity = JSON.stringify(myObject["main"]["humidity"]); // humidity
sea_level = JSON.stringify(myObject["main"]["sea_level"]); // visibility
wind_speed = JSON.stringify(myObject["wind"]["speed"]); // wind speed
city_js = JSON.stringify(myObject["name"]); // City Name
// Print extracted weather information
Serial.print("String weather: ");
Serial.print("String Temperature: ");
Serial.print("String humidity: ");
Serial.print("String sea_level: ");
Serial.print("String wind_speed: ");
Serial.print("String city_js: ");
// Set weather icon flags based on weather description
if (weather.indexOf("clouds") != -1 || weather.indexOf("Clouds") != -1 ) {
weather_flag = 1; // Clouds
} else if (weather.indexOf("clear sky") != -1 || weather.indexOf("Clear sky") != -1) {
weather_flag = 3; // Clear sky
} else if (weather.indexOf("rain") != -1 || weather.indexOf("Rain") != -1) {
weather_flag = 5; // rain
} else if (weather.indexOf("thunderstorm") != -1 || weather.indexOf("Thunderstorm") != -1) {
weather_flag = 2; // thounderstorm
} else if (weather.indexOf("snow") != -1 || weather.indexOf("Snow") != -1) {
weather_flag = 4; // snow
} else if (weather.indexOf("mist") != -1 || weather.indexOf("Mist") != -1) {
weather_flag = 0; // mist
else {
// If WiFi is disconnected, print a prompt message
Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected");
// Define the function for HTTP GET requests
String httpGETRequest(const char* serverName) {
WiFiClient client;
HTTPClient http;
// Initialize the HTTP client and specify the requested server URL
http.begin(client, serverName);
// Send HTTP GET request
httpResponseCode = http.GET();
// The response content returned by initialization
String payload = "{}";
// Check the response code and process the response content
if (httpResponseCode > 0) {
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
Serial.println(httpResponseCode); // Print response code
payload = http.getString(); // Obtain response content
else {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
Serial.println(httpResponseCode); // Print error code
// Release HTTP client resources
return payload; // Return response content
Display the processed data saved in the variable on the screen.
void UI_weather_forecast()
char buffer[40]; // Create a character array for storing information
// Clear the image and initialize the e-ink screen
Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); // Create a new image
Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear image content
EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Initialize the e-paper screen
EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear screen display
EPD_Update(); // Update Screen
EPD_Clear_R26A6H(); // Clear the electronic ink screen cache
// display picture
EPD_ShowPicture(0, 0, 792, 272, pic, WHITE); // Display background image
// Display the corresponding weather icon according to the weather icon logo
EPD_ShowPicture(4, 3, 432, 184, Weather_Num[weather_flag], WHITE);
// Draw partition lines
EPD_DrawLine(0, 190, 792, 190, BLACK); // Draw a horizontal line
EPD_DrawLine(530, 0, 530, 270, BLACK); // Draw a vertical line
// Display update time
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s ", city_js); // Format the update time as a string
EPD_ShowString(620, 60, buffer, 24, BLACK); // Display update time
// Display temperature
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s C", temperature); // Format temperature as a string
EPD_ShowString(340, 240, buffer, 24, BLACK); // Display temperature
// Display humidity
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s ", humidity); // Format humidity as a string
EPD_ShowString(620, 150, buffer, 24, BLACK); // Display humidity
// Display wind speed
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s m/s", wind_speed); // Format wind speed as a string
EPD_ShowString(135, 240, buffer, 24, BLACK); // Display wind speed
// display visibility
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s ", sea_level); // Format visibility as a string
EPD_ShowString(620, 240, buffer, 24, BLACK); // display visibility
// Update the display content of the e-paper screen
EPD_Display(ImageBW); // display image
EPD_PartUpdate(); // Partially updated screen
EPD_DeepSleep(); // Enter deep sleep mode
Upload the Code¶
Double click the 5.79_wifi_http_openweather.ino.
Click "Tools"->"Board"->"esp32"->"ESP32S3 Dev Module", and the "Partition Scheme" select "Huge APP (3MB No OTA/1MB SPIFFS)", "PSRAM" select "OPI PSRAM".
Connect CorwPanel to the computer, click on "Tool" and select the corresponding "port".
Click "Upload" to upload the code to the board. There will be an image show on the screen.
After downloading, the weather information for the city you have selected will be displayed on CrowPanel.
Examples for the CrowPanel Interfaces¶
Please click to download the code file for the examples.
Example 1 Control the GPIO¶
Open the 5.79_GPIO.ino.
#include <Arduino.h> #include "EPD.h" // include header files for EPD display library, providing functionality for operating electronic paper display screens // Define an array for storing display images, with a size of 27200 bytes uint8_t ImageBW[27200]; // Determine the status of GPIO pins and display status information on EPD void judgement_function(int* pin) { char buffer[30]; // Store the string to be displayed EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize GPIO settings for EPD display screen // Create a new image with a white background color Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the canvas with a white background color // Create a new image again (possibly to ensure clarity) with a white background color Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the canvas with a white background color // Initialize the quick mode of EPD display EPD_FastMode1Init(); EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear EPD display content EPD_Update(); // Update EPD display EPD_Clear_R26A6H(); // Clear EPD cache // Traverse all GPIO pins, read the status of each pin and display it on EPD for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int state = digitalRead(pin[i]); // Read the status of the specified pin (HIGH or LOW) if (state == HIGH) { // If the pin status is HIGH, format the string and display it int length = sprintf(buffer, "GPIO%d : on", pin[i]); buffer[length] = '\0'; // Ensure that the string ends with '\ 0' EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + i * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); // Display pin status on EPD } else { // If the pin status is LOW, format the string and display it int length = sprintf(buffer, "GPIO%d : off", pin[i]); buffer[length] = '\0'; // Ensure that the string ends with '\ 0' EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + i * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); // Display pin status on EPD } } EPD_Display(ImageBW); // Display the image to EPD EPD_PartUpdate(); // Perform partial update (refresh display) EPD_DeepSleep(); // Set EPD to deep sleep mode to save power } // Define GPIO pin array int pin_Num[12] = {8, 3, 14, 9, 16, 15, 18, 17, 20, 19, 38, 21}; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize serial communication, baud rate 115200 // Configure pin 7 to output mode and set it to HIGH (possibly for power control) pinMode(7, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // Configure GPIO pins to output mode pinMode(8, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); pinMode(14, OUTPUT); pinMode(9, OUTPUT); pinMode(16, OUTPUT); pinMode(15, OUTPUT); pinMode(18, OUTPUT); pinMode(17, OUTPUT); pinMode(20, OUTPUT); pinMode(19, OUTPUT); pinMode(38, OUTPUT); pinMode(21, OUTPUT); // Set all GPIO pins to HIGH digitalWrite(8, HIGH); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); digitalWrite(14, HIGH); digitalWrite(9, HIGH); digitalWrite(16, HIGH); digitalWrite(15, HIGH); digitalWrite(18, HIGH); digitalWrite(17, HIGH); digitalWrite(20, HIGH); digitalWrite(19, HIGH); digitalWrite(38, HIGH); digitalWrite(21, HIGH); // Call a function to determine the status of GPIO pins and display the result judgement_function(pin_Num); } void loop() { // Main loop, currently not performing any operations, only delaying by 1 second delay(1000); // Delay of 1000 milliseconds (1 second) }
Connect the LED to the GPIO pins.
Upload the code to the CrowPanel. The LEDs will turn on, and the status of the GPIO will show on the screen.
Example 2 Count the times of pressing the keys¶
Open 5.79_key.ino
#include <Arduino.h> #include "EPD.h" // Pre allocated black and white image array uint8_t ImageBW[27200]; // key definition #define HOME_KEY 2 // Connect the home button to digital pin 2 #define EXIT_KEY 1 // Exit key connected to digital pin 1 #define PRV_KEY 6 // Previous page key connected to digital pin 6 #define NEXT_KEY 4 // Next page key connected to digital pin 4 #define OK_KEY 5 // Confirm key connected to digital pin 5 // Initialize each key counter int HOME_NUM = 0; int EXIT_NUM = 0; int PRV_NUM = 0; int NEXT_NUM = 0; int OK_NUM = 0; // Storage key count array int NUM_btn[5] = {0}; // Key counting and display function void count_btn(int NUM[5]) { char buffer[30]; // Buffer for storing strings // EPD (Electronic Paper Display) initialization EPD_GPIOInit(); Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the display screen and initialize it EPD_FastMode1Init(); EPD_Display_Clear(); EPD_Update(); EPD_Clear_R26A6H(); // Display the count of each button int length = sprintf(buffer, "HOME_KEY_NUM:%d", NUM[0]); buffer[length] = '\0'; EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + 0 * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); length = sprintf(buffer, "EXIT_KEY_NUM:%d", NUM[1]); buffer[length] = '\0'; EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + 1 * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); length = sprintf(buffer, "PRV_KEY_NUM:%d", NUM[2]); buffer[length] = '\0'; EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + 2 * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); length = sprintf(buffer, "NEXT__NUM:%d", NUM[3]); buffer[length] = '\0'; EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + 3 * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); length = sprintf(buffer, "OK_NUM:%d", NUM[4]); buffer[length] = '\0'; EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + 4 * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); // Update display content and enter deep sleep mode EPD_Display(ImageBW); EPD_PartUpdate(); EPD_DeepSleep(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize serial communication, baud rate 115200 // Set button pins pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // Set pin 7 as output for power control digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // Set the power to high level and turn on the screen power pinMode(HOME_KEY, INPUT); // Set the home button pin as input pinMode(EXIT_KEY, INPUT); // pinMode(PRV_KEY, INPUT); // pinMode(NEXT_KEY, INPUT); // pinMode(OK_KEY, INPUT); // } void loop() { int flag = 0; // Mark whether any buttons have been pressed // Check if the home button is pressed if (digitalRead(HOME_KEY) == 0) { delay(100); // Anti shake delay if (digitalRead(HOME_KEY) == 1) { Serial.println("HOME_KEY"); HOME_NUM++; // Increase homepage key count flag = 1; // set mark } } // Check if the exit button has been pressed else if (digitalRead(EXIT_KEY) == 0) { delay(100); // delay if (digitalRead(EXIT_KEY) == 1) { Serial.println("EXIT_KEY"); EXIT_NUM++; // Increase exit key count flag = 1; } } else if (digitalRead(PRV_KEY) == 0) { delay(100); if (digitalRead(PRV_KEY) == 1) { Serial.println("PRV_KEY"); PRV_NUM++; flag = 1; } } else if (digitalRead(NEXT_KEY) == 0) { delay(100); if (digitalRead(NEXT_KEY) == 1) { Serial.println("NEXT_KEY"); NEXT_NUM++; flag = 1; } } else if (digitalRead(OK_KEY) == 0) { delay(100); if (digitalRead(OK_KEY) == 1) { Serial.println("OK_KEY"); OK_NUM++; flag = 1; } }Reset Tag // If a button is pressed, update the display content if (flag == 1) { NUM_btn[0] = HOME_NUM; NUM_btn[1] = EXIT_NUM; NUM_btn[2] = PRV_NUM; NUM_btn[3] = NEXT_NUM; NUM_btn[4] = OK_NUM; count_btn(NUM_btn); // Call function to update display flag = 0; // Reset flag } }
Press the button.
The times each button is pressed will be displayed on the screen.
Example 3 Control PWR LED with menu Key¶
Open the 5.79_PWR.ino
#include <Arduino.h> #include "EPD.h" // Define a black and white image array as the buffer for the e-paper display uint8_t ImageBW[27200]; // Define the pin for the home button #define HOME_KEY 2 // Variable to count the state of the home button int HOME_NUM = 0; void setup() { // Initialize serial communication with a baud rate of 115200 Serial.begin(115200); // Set the screen power pin as an output and set it high to turn on the power pinMode(7, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // Set the POWER LED pin as an output pinMode(41, OUTPUT); // Set the home button pin as an input pinMode(HOME_KEY, INPUT); } void loop() { // Flag variable to indicate if any button has been pressed int flag = 0; // Check if the home button is pressed if (digitalRead(HOME_KEY) == 0) { delay(100); // Debounce delay to ensure the button press is stable // Re-check the home button state to prevent false triggering due to bouncing if (digitalRead(HOME_KEY) == 1) { Serial.println("HOME_KEY"); // Print the home button press information to the serial monitor HOME_NUM = !HOME_NUM; // Toggle the state of the home button (on/off) flag = 1; // Set the flag to indicate that the display content needs to be updated } } // If a button has been pressed, update the display content if (flag == 1) { char buffer[30]; // Buffer to store the display content // Initialize the e-paper display EPD_GPIOInit(); Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Initialize the e-paper display and clear the previous display content EPD_FastMode1Init(); EPD_Display_Clear(); EPD_Update(); EPD_Clear_R26A6H(); // Set the state of the POWER LED and display content based on the home button state if (HOME_NUM == 1) { digitalWrite(41, HIGH); // Turn on the POWER LED strcpy(buffer, "PWR:on"); // Set the display content to "PWR:on" } else { digitalWrite(41, LOW); // Turn off the POWER LED strcpy(buffer, "PWR:off"); // Set the display content to "PWR:off" } // Display the content on the e-paper EPD_ShowString(0, 0 + 0 * 20, buffer, 16, BLACK); // Refresh the e-paper display content EPD_Display(ImageBW); EPD_PartUpdate(); EPD_DeepSleep(); // Enter deep sleep mode to save power } }
Upload the code to the CrowPanel.
Press the menu key and the PWR LED will turn on/off.
Example 4 Initialize SD card¶
Open 5.79_TF.ino
#include <Arduino.h> // Include the Arduino library #include "EPD.h" // Include the e-paper display library #include "SD.h" // Include the SD card library // Define the SPI pins for the SD card #define SD_MOSI 40 // SD card MOSI pin #define SD_MISO 13 // SD card MISO pin #define SD_SCK 39 // SD card SCK pin #define SD_CS 10 // SD card CS pin // Create an instance of SPIClass for SD card SPI communication SPIClass SD_SPI = SPIClass(HSPI); // Define a black and white image array as the buffer for the e-paper display uint8_t ImageBW[27200]; void setup() { // Initialize serial communication with a baud rate of 115200 Serial.begin(115200); // Set the screen power pin as an output and set it high to turn on the power pinMode(7, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // Set another power pin as an output and set it high to turn on the power pinMode(42, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(42, HIGH); // Brief delay to ensure power stability delay(10); // Initialize the SD card SD_SPI.begin(SD_SCK, SD_MISO, SD_MOSI); // Initialize SPI with specified pins // Try to mount the SD card file system and set the SPI clock speed to 80 MHz if (!SD.begin(SD_CS, SD_SPI, 80000000)) { // If SD card initialization fails, print error message to the serial monitor Serial.println(F("ERROR: File system mount failed!")); } else { // If SD card initialization succeeds, print SD card size information to the serial monitor Serial.printf("SD Size: %lluMB \n", SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024)); // Create a buffer to store the display content char buffer[30]; // Assume the display content will not exceed 30 characters // Use sprintf to format the string and store the SD card size information in buffer int length = sprintf(buffer, "SD Size:%lluMB", SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024)); buffer[length] = '\0'; // Ensure the string ends with a null character // Initialize the e-paper display EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize the GPIO pins for the e-paper Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); // Create a new image Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the image, fill with white // Recreate and clear the image Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Initialize the e-paper display mode EPD_FastMode1Init(); EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear the e-paper display EPD_Update(); // Update the e-paper display EPD_Clear_R26A6H(); // Further clear the display // Print the display content to the serial monitor Serial.println(buffer); // Display the content on the e-paper EPD_ShowString(0, 0, buffer, 16, BLACK); // Draw the string on the e-paper // Refresh the e-paper display content EPD_Display(ImageBW); EPD_PartUpdate(); EPD_DeepSleep(); // Enter deep sleep mode to save power } } void loop() { // Main loop code delay(10); // Wait for 10 milliseconds }
Insert the TF card to the card slot.
Upload the code to the CrowPanel.
The size of the TF card will show on the screen.
Example 5 Connect Bluetooth¶
Open 5.79_BLE.ino
Upload the code to the CrowPanel.
After the blutooth is connected, the screen will show:
Example 6 Connect WiFi¶
Open 5.79_wifi.ino
Modify your ssid and password
Upload the code to the CrowPanel.
After the WiFi is connected, the screen will show:
Example 7 Refresh image¶
This example will demonstrate two scenarios: refreshing full screen images and non full screen images.
- Full screen image: The resolution of the image is the same as the screen
- Non full screen image: The image resolution is lower than the screen resolution
Refresch full screen image¶
Open 5.79_Global_refresh.ino
#include <Arduino.h> // Include the core Arduino library to provide basic Arduino functionality #include "EPD.h" // Include the EPD library for controlling the electronic ink screen (E-Paper Display) #include "pic_home.h" // Include the header file containing image data uint8_t ImageBW[27200]; // Declare an array of 27200 bytes to store black and white image data void setup() { // Initialization settings, executed once when the program starts pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // Set pin 7 to output mode digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // Set pin 7 to high level to activate the screen power EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize the GPIO pin configuration for the EPD electronic ink screen Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); // Create a new image buffer with dimensions EPD_W x EPD_H and a white background Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the image buffer and fill it with white /************************ Fast refresh screen operation in partial refresh mode ************************/ EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Initialize the EPD screen's fast mode 1 EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear the screen content EPD_Update(); // Update the screen display EPD_GPIOInit(); // Reinitialize the GPIO pin configuration for the EPD electronic ink screen EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Reinitialize the EPD screen's fast mode 1 EPD_ShowPicture(0, 0, 792, 272, gImage_home, WHITE); // Display the image gImage_home starting at coordinates (0, 0), width 792, height 272, with a white background EPD_Display(ImageBW); // Display the image stored in the ImageBW array // EPD_WhiteScreen_ALL_Fast(gImage_boot_setup); // Commented-out code: Display the boot setup image using fast mode // EPD_PartUpdate(); // Commented-out code: Update part of the screen EPD_FastUpdate(); // Perform a fast update to refresh the screen EPD_DeepSleep(); // Set the screen to deep sleep mode to save power delay(5000); // Wait for 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) clear_all(); // Call the clear_all function to clear the screen content } void loop() { // Main loop function, currently does not perform any actions // Code that needs to be executed repeatedly can be added here } void clear_all() { // Function to clear the screen content EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Initialize the EPD screen's fast mode 1 EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear the screen content EPD_Update(); // Update the screen display }
Upload the code to the CrowPanel
- The image will refresh on the screen.
Refresh non full screen image¶
Open 5.79_partial_refresh.ino
#include <Arduino.h> // Include the core Arduino library to provide basic Arduino functionality #include "EPD.h" // Include the EPD library for controlling the electronic ink screen (E-Paper Display) #include "pic_scenario.h" // Include the header file containing image data uint8_t ImageBW[27200]; // Declare an array of 27200 bytes to store black and white image data void setup() { // Initialization settings, executed once when the program starts // Configure the screen power pin pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // Set pin 7 to output mode digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // Set pin 7 to high level to activate the screen power EPD_GPIOInit(); // Initialize the GPIO pin configuration for the EPD electronic ink screen Paint_NewImage(ImageBW, EPD_W, EPD_H, Rotation, WHITE); // Create a new image buffer with dimensions EPD_W x EPD_H and a white background Paint_Clear(WHITE); // Clear the image buffer and fill it with white /************************ Fast refresh screen operation in partial refresh mode ************************/ EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Initialize the EPD screen's fast mode 1 EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear the screen content EPD_Update(); // Update the screen display EPD_HW_RESET(); // Perform a hardware reset operation to ensure the screen starts up properly EPD_ShowPicture(0, 0, 312, 152, gImage_1, WHITE); // Display the image gImage_1 starting at coordinates (0, 0), width 312, height 152, with a white background EPD_Display(ImageBW); // Display the image stored in the ImageBW array EPD_PartUpdate(); // Update part of the screen to show the new content EPD_DeepSleep(); // Set the screen to deep sleep mode to save power delay(5000); // Wait for 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) clear_all(); // Call the clear_all function to clear the screen content } void loop() { // Main loop function, currently does not perform any actions // Code that needs to be executed repeatedly can be added here } void clear_all() { // Function to clear the screen content EPD_FastMode1Init(); // Initialize the EPD screen's fast mode 1 EPD_Display_Clear(); // Clear the screen content EPD_Update(); // Update the screen display }
Upload the code to the CrowPanel
- The image will refresh on the screen.